Valerie attends St Matthew’s Community Day

On Saturday 1 July 2017 I attended St Matthew’s Community Day, an annual event hosted by St Matthew’s Church to bring together the community and families of Walsall. I met with Reverend Jim Trood, the vicar of St Matthew’s Church, and Patti Lane. I watched performances in the Church from Blue Coat Schools, visited arts and craft stalls, and spoke with local community groups.

Healthy Walsall

Above I am pictured with a member from Walsall Healthcare Charity Well Wishers. Well Wishers fundraise over and above what the NHS is able to provide to make a real difference to patients, their families and the staff that treat them. The money raised is spent exclusively for charitable purposes to improve the health and well being of the NHS patients of the Trust’s hospital and community services.

Clean Air Week

I also met with Bill Ellens and Walsall Friends of Earth who were taking part in the Clean Air Everywhere campaign which runs from 24 June to 2 July. I have raised the issue of air pollution a number of times in Parliament. I recently joined Bill Ellens on Walstead Road and Delves Crescent whilst he took down an air monitoring tube. This is one of ten air monitoring tubes that have been sampling air pollution in Walsall over the last four weeks. Air pollution costs lives and billions of pounds. It is one of the UK’s biggest killers, causing 40,000 early deaths in the UK every year.

New Life

New Life, a local Christian Faith group, were also at St Matthew’s Community Day equipping people with life skills in handiwork and British Craftsmanship. Arts and craft projects can bring communities together, improve quality of life, social and mental wellbeing. You can find out more about their services and projects here: [email protected]


I thanked our local firefighters who work hard to keep our communities safe. The Tories are continuing to cut the pay of our nurses, firefighters, police and other public sector workers. Labour will continue to fight to end the public sector pay cap – because public sector workers deserve a pay rise after years of falling wages.


Councillor Nazir and Councillor Russell also attended the event. St Matthew’s Community Day was a successful event in bringing together people from all parts of Walsall.