Valerie launches Cannock Line Electrification and Route Upgrade

On Friday 20th May 2016, I launched the next phase of the electrification of the railway between Walsall and Rugeley which is being upgraded and electrified by Network Rail. The £36m investment will provide passengers with more reliable, faster and quieter journeys and is due to be completed in December 2017.


Amanda Milling MP for Cannock Chase was also present to see the work that has taken place already and find out more about the benefits which will be delivered. I was delighted to unveil the commemorative plaque on the electrification mast. The work under Walsall Town Centre has now been completed and involved lowering the ground so that the new trains can run. Other projects included a complete re build of a bridge further down the line. With the work on Birmingham New Street completed, this is a welcome next step. I am pleased the Government continued with the commitment to fund the project. The time lapse film of the work on Park Street under New Look and Marks and Spencers in the Town Centre is always interesting to watch. I am pleased the skills of local people were used on this project.


Walsall Electrification


Investment in the railway in the Walsall area will provide local people with better services and connections to the wider rail network. The work has utilised local skills to deliver the upgrade which will also provide environmental benefits with cleaner, greener and quieter trains serving the region.