Valerie celebrates University of Wolverhampton’s contribution to healthcare

On Wednesday 11th May 2016, Lord Swaraj Paul the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor Geoff Layer, other MPs and guests from the Black Country at the House of Lords to celebrate the University of Wolverhampton’s contribution to healthcare.


Welcoming everyone to the event Lord Paul of Marylebone said: “As a University, we strive to create a positive impact on society and the economy which is why it is so important to use to play a prominent and active role in the health and wellbeing agenda”


The University of Wolverhampton are educating and training the region’s nurses, midwives, health visitors, paramedics, pharmacists and related medical and healthcare professionals so making the University of Wolverhampton one of the leading healthcare education providers in the region. The photograph two trainee paramedics who have studied at the University of Wolverhampton.


It was great to see how committed the University is to developing further medical and health and wellbeing research, to make a positive difference and transforming lives.