Valerie Launches 38 Bus Service.

Picture by Alan Williams.

Valerie today launched the new 38 bus service that connects residents of Kings Hill in Darlaston with Walsall Manor Hospital and Walsall Town Centre.

Following the withdrawal of the 639 service that operated the route until January 2009, residents were forced to catch a combination of three buses in order to get to their local general hospital. Since her election in May 2010, Valerie has campaigned alongside local residents and councillors to have the route reinstated, writing to the Centro transport authority, bus operators and presenting a petition to Parliament.

In June 2011, Centro announced that they would be reinstating the 639 route as the 38 and the first bus ran on the 25th July 2011.

Valerie said:

“I am delighted that National Express West Midlands have agreed to reinstate this important route. It is a vital link for the residents of Kings Hill to Walsall town centre and Walsall Manor Hospital. This will make a big difference to people’s quality of life particulalry for senior citizens and those with children.”

“I am sure residents will show National Express West Midlands how important the route is by using it as much as possible. The campaigners should be very pleased at the outcome of their hard work. ”

Valerie at the launch of 38 Bus Service
Valerie at the launch of 38 Bus Service