Valerie met residents to discuss road traffic safety on Pinfold Lane

I met with residents of Beacon Heights on Friday 15 December 2017 to discuss concerns relating to a number of incidents along Pinfold Lane and Old Hall Lane.

I arranged a meeting because a number of residents have either been involved in or witnessed a major incident along Pinfold Lane and Old Hall Lane, both of which are narrow and have sharp bends.

Last year the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance attended four incidents on Pinfold Lane and Old Hall Lane. One incident involved a local bus colliding with an Eddie Stobart lorry and many residents were left in shock.

I am concerned that lorries are travelling at regular intervals along Pinfold Lane which is 12 foot wide and has a 7.5 ton weight limit. The Local Government Association (LGA) have called for legislation to be brought in to make it compulsory for all lorry drivers who use navigation devices to use commercial devices. This would prevent lorries from using Pinfold Lane as a short cut, and ease traffic problems on roads in Walsall.

Residents have had their vehicle wing mirrors hit and have been close to colliding with another vehicle on the blind bend on Old Hall Lane at the top of the hill by Barr Beacon School.

I have raised these concerns with the Council on a number of occasions but no action has been taken. The Council need to introduce visible road traffic safety signs along Pinfold Lane and a one-way system to control traffic and avoid any further incidents.

I have had ongoing discussions with residents on what road traffic safety measures can be implemented to keep residents safe.