Valerie meets Holocaust survivor in Parliament

On Wednesday 14 September 2016, I was honoured to meet in Parliament, John Hajdu, a survivor of the Holocaust in Hungary who lived under the subsequent socialist regime in Budapest.


Having lived in the UK since 1957, John’s experience of life after the Holocaust and as a refugee tell of the turmoil of post-World War Two Europe. John spoke to a packed room who listened in silence at how he managed to overcome the terrible atrocities. The meeting was hosted by Rt Hon Sajid Javid Secretary of State at Communities and Local Government.


You can read John’s book here:


Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27 January each year. The 27 January marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp.


The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) offers many meaningful ways to get involved in Holocaust Memorial Day and play a part to ensure the lessons of history are not forgotten.


If you’re aged between 14 and 24 you can find out more about HMDT’s Youth Champion programme and organise HMD activities in your youth group, sports club, community or school. I urge all schools to get involved and listen and record the stories of any Holocaust survivors they know.


For information on how you can involved, please see here: