Valerie meets with Walsall Housing Group Chief Executive

I met with the Chief Executive of Walsall Housing Group (WHG) Gary Fulford on Friday 20 April 2018.

On 19 April 2018 Labour launched a green paper entitled ‘Housing for the Many’ setting out proposals to change the country’s approach to affordable housing.

Whatever measure you choose, Britain’s housing system is broken. Homelessness is up by 50% since 2010, rough sleeping has doubled, and 120,000 children are without a home to call their own.

Home-ownership has fallen to a 30-year low and the average home now costs eight times the average annual salary. Social housing waiting lists rise while luxury flats stand empty, and thousands are living in homes unfit for human habitation.

This is a crisis. Current Conservative housing policy is failing to fix it, so the next Labour Government must. Housing for the Many is the starting point in a conversation about how to fix our broken housing system so it works for the many, not the few.

You can read the green paper here: