Valerie opposes Sunday Trading Bill

On Monday 30 April 2012, Valerie voted against the Bill  to suspend Sunday Trading  for 8 weeks during  the Olympic Games.

Speaking during the Bill’s Second Reading in the House of Commons, Valerie said:

“The workers are against the Bill, small businesses are against it, and it is against family values. No-one wants it, and the majority of the British people will gain no benefit from it. I urge Members to vote against the Bill.”

In a GfK NOP poll  in 2010, 89% of the public were opposed to further liberalisation of Sunday trading laws.

Usdaw the leading retail workers union found in a poll in 2010 that:


  • 77% oppose the longer opening hours. Only 12% support it.
  • 48% believe already under pressure to work on Sundays when they do not want to
  • 71% believe longer Sunday opening hours will lead to more pressure to work on Sundays

The Bill was passed at Third Reading by 272 votes to 125. Valerie acted as a Teller for the Noes. You can read Valerie’s speech in Hansard by clicking here.