Valerie Speaks at the British Physics Olympiad Presentation

On 26 April 2012 Valerie spoke in support of young physicians at the British Physics Olympiad event at the Royal Society in London. The event precedes the International Physics Olympiad, an annual global physics competition in which British students have a great record of achievement. Britain will be sending 6 representatives to the event this year on 24 July in Estonia.


Valerie said:


“The International Physics Olympiad provides a platform for young British physicists to develop their talents and promote British physics on both a national and global stage. It is an invaluable resource for development of the industry and the UK economy.


“The Engineering and Physical Science sectors comprise around 30% of the UK’s GDP and attracts 40% of investment in the UK. The Department for Children, Schools and Families provided a grant to cover the expenses associated with competing in the International Physics Olympiad event but this has now been cut. I support the need to reinstate this grant in the interest of the Science sector as well as the British economy.


“I am concerned that there may be a decline in the interest of Physics as a subject in light of a fall of 35% in A-level physics entries between 1990 and 2006 despite a rise in overall A-level entries.  I hope that investment in the subject will ensure that Physics will be an important tool to foster a new generation of British physicists.”