We are Walsall

On Saturday 29 September 2012 Valerie spoke at the We are Walsall event at Gallery Square in the Town Centre. The event was organised to oppose the claims of a small group of extremist far right protestors who gathered in the Town Centre the same day.

Valerie said:

“There is no place in Walsall for the kind of people who promote racist views and who have come here from outside Walsall. Our diverse communities have been living together harmoniously for many decades and will not allow themselves to be driven apart by the actions of an ignorant extremist minority.”

“I am pleased that so many people gathered to show this group that they are not welcome and to demonstrate Walsall people’s unity in the face of such an unwelcome intrusion. I am disappointed that the assembly of this group was allowed to go ahead. The history of Britain is of a country that has supported many struggles including the trades unions who helped fight against Franco’s regime in Spain in support of the Anti Apartheid movement and Nelson Mandela’s release and in Burma today.”

“Many people from groups such as the NUT other political parties and individuals came together to promote peace, freedom and to fight against injustice.”

“I would like to thank West Midlands Police and their colleagues from neighbouring forces for their work to minimise the disruption to shoppers and businesses.”