Valerie tabled an EDM on Gender Equality.

On Tuesday 10 March 2015 Valerie tabled an Early day Motion on Gender Equality.

“That this House welcomes the broadcast of the BBC’s documentary India’s Daughter, which draws attention to the rape and murder of Jyoti Singh and other women; applauds the students from Jawaharlal Nehru University who marched to protest against the treatment of women; commends the police force and justice system of India that arrested those responsible and brought them to trial; notes the documentary brought home the pain of Singh’s parents, the brutality of rape and the loss of an empowered woman; acknowledges the economist Amartya Sen’s article entitled More than 100 million women are missing, which highlights the unequal rights for women in the developing world and the resulting attitudes to women; further notes that 8 March 2015 was International Women’s Day which represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality; and calls on the Government to promote gender equality in the UK and around the world.”