Valerie visits local manufacturers in Darlaston

On Friday 25th March, Valerie visited Bonner Studs and ALCA Fasteners in Darlaston to hear their views on the economy and what the Government can do to promote manufacturing. Valerie met with senior managers from both businesses who were clear that unnecessary paperwork and red tape has used valuable time and resources which could have been better invested in growing their businesess. Managers were also clear that there should be much greater help in providing apprenticeship schemes to ensure that the next generation of skilled manufacturers receive first-rate training.

Valerie said “Specialist and skilled manufacturing should be at the core of a sustainable recovery. It is vital that the Government introduces measures to free companies from unnecessary red tape and works with businesses to show school leavers that apprenticeships in skilled manufacturing are a worthwhile alternative to college or university. I will be asking the Business Secretary, Vince Cable, to look at what the Government can do to improve conditions for our manufacturing industry in the West Midlands.”