Valerie visits Tata Steel in Darlaston

On Thursday 11 October 2012, Valerie visited Tata Steel in Darlaston. The visit followed concerns from residents of All Saints Road about a Planning Application submitted by the neighbouring Exol Lubricants.

Valerie said:

“The planning application submitted by Exol Lubricants is of great concern to residents of All Saints Road. With two large industrial premises on a small residential street, any increase in the the number of HGVs using the road, could have a serious impact on residents.”

“I had a very productive meeting with representatives of Tata Steel who shared residents’ concerns that the impact of HGV movements should be minimised as far as possible. Tata set out a number of steps it is taking to ensure that its operations on site do not cause disturbance or inconvenience to local residents.”

“The manufacturing industry is an asset to the Black Country, offering numerous opportunities for skilled and meaninful employment. I hope that other industrial companies will follow Tata’s lead in ensuring that it has good relations with local residents.”