Vaisakhi Celebrations in Walsall

The Vaisakki Festival took place in the usual way in Walsall with a procession on Sunday 16 April 2023 from the Gurdwara in Caldmore to the Gurdwara in Wellington Street, Pleck.   

Vaisakhi is one of the most important events in the Sikh Calendar and is celebrated throughout the month on April. The event marks the birth of the Khalsa, a community of initiated Sikhs that keep a physical identity and follow the principles laid down in April 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru. Gurbani (Hymns) is sung, langar (free food) is served and there are often displays of Sikh martial arts too.

The procession is led by five initiated Sikhs (Panj Pyare) through a Nagar Kirtan (Town hymn singing).  Along the route the marchers are offered refreshments such as from the stall.