Valerie votes against badger cull.

A motion to stop the badger cull was debated in the Commons on Thursday 25 October 2012. Valerie voted against the badger cull.

Valerie said:

“I joined Team Badger headed by Dr Brian May and voted against the cull. Professor Krebs, a leading scientist, who conducted a ten year study into the cull, found that the cull would only reduce bovine TB by 16% over a nine year period and would do little to prevent the spread of the disease between cattle.”

“ Estimates suggest the cost of controlling TB will be £1 billion in the next 10 years. We need to establish an effective way to protect cattle and reduce transmission. The vaccination of badgers is a better alternative to the cull. This will be beneficial for farmers, taxpayers and for wildlife.”

“Despite the Government postponement of the badger cull, the debate was necessary to highlight Parliament’s will. The motion was carried by 147 to 28 votes.”

You can read the full debate on the badger cull here.