Valerie welcomes Whitehall Junior Community School to Parliament

On Thursday 12 June 2014, Valerie met with Whitehall Junior Community School in Parliament for a Q&A session.

Valerie said:

“I was delighted to meet with the members of the school council for the school. There were some excellent questions asked from the children. This included asking me what was the most difficult decision I had to take. I replied by saying that there had been some situations where I had to balance competing interests from my constituents.”

“I also explained to them about how important it is for constituents to keep in touch with their MP’s. Very often I can raise an issue in Parliament that is brought to me by constituents at one of my surgeries such as those where consituents were having difficulties with their interviews with Atos. I raised the cases in a debate. Another occasion I have asked questions or held debates.”

“Other questions included where my office was and why I wanted to be an MP, so I let them know that my website was a good place to look for my recent activities both in Parliament and in Walsall South. Some children had viewed my website. I asked if they had any suggestions to improve it. School Councils are an excellent way for children to raise concerns or good practise within the school. I reminded them to take part in Mr Speakers School Council awards for which I was recently on the Judging panel where they can showcase a project that has affected their community and school. ”

Link to Whitehall Community Junior School website: