Walsall Labour Party General Election Launch

On Tuesday 9 May 2017 Walsall Labour Party launched its General Election campaign outside The New Art Gallery.


The General Election on 8 June will have a profound impact on our area. Our schools are in crisis. Under a Tory Government, Walsall schools will lose £21 million of funding which is equivalent to a cut of £505 per pupil or 562 teaching posts. A Labour Government would introduce universal free school meals for all primary school children and cut class sizes to lower than 30 for all five, six and seven year-olds.


Under the Tories there has been a cut of 20,000 police officers since 2010. The British Medical Association have said that the NHS is at ‘breaking point’, and waiting lists and waiting times are up.


House building is at its lowest since the 1920’s. A Labour Government would build 1 million new homes with at least 50 per cent for social and council housing to rent.


This election will have an impact on all stage of life. For students, a Labour Government would scrap tuition fees so that no-one would be deterred from university because of the cost or fear of debt. For working people, a Labour Government would introduce a £10 minimum wage that will lift them out of poverty, not the living wage of £7.50. For senior citizens, a Labour Government would protect pensions and compensate women affected by an increase in the state pension age.


Too many people are being held back by Tory policies. Register to vote by 22 May or postal vote by 23 May and have your voice heard.